Selected Papers
Presented Chronologically
understanding of nonverbal communication and human behaviour has been greatly informed by the following research and studies.
Hayworth, D. (1928). ‘The social origin and function of
laughter.’ Psychological Review 35(5), 367.
James, W. R. (1932). A study of the expression of bodily
posture. Journal of General Psychology, 7, 405-37.
Thomas, W. I. and Volkart, E. H. (ed) (1951). Social
Behaviour and Personality, Contributions of W I Thomas to Theory and Social
Research. New York: Social Science Research Council, p5.
Hewes, G. W. (1955). World distribution of certain postural
habits. American Anthropologist, 57: 231-44.
Asch, S. E. (1956). Studies of independence and conformity:
A minority of one against a unanimous majority. Psychological Monographs, 70,
Whole No, 416.
Harlow, H. F., and Zimmerman, R. R. (1958). ‘The Development
of Affectional Responses in Infant Monkeys’. American Philosophical Society,
102: 501-9.
Karlson, P., & Luscher, M. (1959). “Pheromones”: A new
term for a class of biologically active substances. Nature, 183, 55-56.
Solarz, A. (1960). Latency of instrumental responses as a
function of compatibility with the meaning of eliciting verbal signs. Journal
of Experimental Psychology, 59, 239-45.
Sommer, R. (1962). ‘The Distance for Comfortable
Conversation: A Further Study.’ Sociometry, vol. 25 pp 111-6.
Andrew, R. J. (1963). Evolution of facial expression.
Science, 142, 1034-1041.
Scheflen, A. E. (1964). ‘The Significance of Posture in
Communication Systems’. Psychiatry, vol
27, pp 316-31.
Argyle, M., & Dean, J. (1965). Eve contact, distance,
and affiliation. Sociometry, 28, 289-304.
Haggard, E. A., & Isaacs, K. S. (1966). “Micro-momentary
facial expressions as indicators of ego mechanisms in psychotherapy”. Methods
of Research in Psychotherapy. New York, NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 154-65.
Chance, M. R. A. (1967). ‘Attention structure as the basis
of primate rank orders’. Man, 2 (4), 503-18.
Kendon, A. (1967). Some functions of gaze-direction in
social interaction. Acta Psychologica, 26, 22-63.
Sperry, R. W. (1968). Hemisphere deconnection and unity in
conscious awareness. American Psychologist, 23(10), 723.
Zajonc, R. B. (1968). ‘Attitudinal Effects of Mere Exposure”
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 9: 1-27.
Dittmann, A. T., & Llewellyn, L. G. (1969). Body
movement and speech rhythm in social conversation. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 11, 98-106.
Ekman, P., & Friesen, W. V. (1969). The repertoire of
nonverbal behaviour. Categories, origins, usage, and coding. Semiotica, 1,
Ekman, P., Sorenson, E. R., & Friesen, W. V. (1969).
Pan-cultural elements in facial displays of emotion. Science, 164, 86-88.
Mahrabian, A. (1969). ‘Significance of posture and position
in the communication of attitude and status relationships.’ Psychology
Bulletin, 71 (5), 359-72.
Kendon, A. (1970). Movement coordination in social
interaction: Some examples described. Acta Psychologica, 32, 101-125.
Argyle, M. Alkeman, F. and Gilmour, R. (1971). The communication
of friendly and hostile attitudes by verbal and nonverbal signals. European
Journal of Social Psychology, 1, 385-402.
Ekman, P., & Friesen, W. V. (1971) Constants across
cultures in the face and emotion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
17, 124-129.
Ernswiller, T., Deaux, K., & Willits, J. E. (1971).
Similarity, sex, and requests for small favours. Journal of Applied Social
Psychology, 1, 284-91.
Exline, R. V. (1971). Visual interaction: the glances of
power and preference. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 163-206.
Dion, K., Berscheid, E, & Walster, E. (1972). What is
beautiful is good. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 24, 285-290.
Duncan, S. Jnr. (1972). Some signals and rules for taking
speaking turns in conversations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
23, 283-292.
Ekman, P., & Friesen, W. V. (1972) Hand movements.
Journal of Communication, 22, 353-374.
Eibl-Eibesfeldt (1972). Similarities and differences between
cultures in expressive movements. In R. A. Hinde (Ed.) Nonverbal Communication
(pp. 297-312). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Epstein, S. (1972). The nature of anxiety with emphasis upon
its relationship to expectancy. In C. D. Spielberger (Ed.), Anxiety: Current
trends in theory and research (Vol. 2, pp. 292-338). New York: Academic Press.
Gainotti, G. (1972). “Emotional Behaviour and Hemispheric
Side of the Lesion,” Cortex 8: 41-55.
Lewontin (1972). The appointment of human diversity.
Evolutionary Biology, 6: 381-98.
Clifford, M. and Walster, E. (1973). “Research note: The
effects of physical attractiveness on teacher expectations.” Sociology of
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. (1973). Expressive behaviour of the deaf
and blind born. In M. von Cranach & I. Vine (Eds.), Social communication
and movement (pp. 163-194). New York, NY: Academic Press.
Schegloff, E., & Sacks, H. (1973). Opening up closings.
Semiotica, 8, 289-327.
Exline, R. V., Ellyson, S. L., & Lang, B. (1975).
“Visual Behaviour as an Aspect of Power Relationships”. In Pilner, Krames, and
Alloway (Eds.). Advance. New York: Plenum, 21-52.
Fischhoff, B. and Beyth, R. (1975). ‘I Knew It Would Happen:
Remembered Probabilities of Once Future Things,” Organizational Behaviour and
Human Performance 13: 1-16.
Fisher, J. D., & Byrne, D. (1975). Too close for
comfort: Sex differences in response to invasions of personal space. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 32, 15-21.
Goren, C. C. Sarty, M., & Wu, P. Y. K. (1975). Visual
following and pattern discrimination of face-like stimuli by newborn infants.
Paediatrics, 56, 544-9.
Macfarlane, A. (1975). Olfaction in the development of
social preferences in the human neonate. Ciba Foundation Symposium, 33, 103-17.
Nguyen, T. Heslin, R. and Nguyen, M. L. (1975). ‘Meaning of
Touch: Sex Differences’. Journal of Communication, Summer, pp 92-103.
Schoedel, J., Frederickson, W. A., & Knight, J. M.
(1975). "An extrapolation of the physical attractiveness and sex variables
within the Byrne attraction paradigm."
Zahavi, A. (1975). Mate Selection: A selection for a
handicap. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 53, 205-14.
Burgoon, J. K., & Jones, S. B. (1976) Toward a theory of
personal space expectations and their violations. Human Communication Research,
2, 131-146.
Fisher, J D. Ryttine, M., and Hesling, R. (1976). Hands
touching hands: affective and evaluative effects of an interpersonal touch.
Sociometry, Vol.39 pp 416-21
La France, M. and Broadbent, M. (1976). Group rapport:
postural sharing as a nonverbal indicator. Group and Organised Studies, 1,
Myers, R. E. (1976). Comparative neurology of vocalisation
and speech: Proof of a dichotomy. Annuals of the New York Academy of Sciences,
280, 745-757.
Rachman, S. and Seligman, M. E. (1976). ‘Unprepared phobias:
“be prepared”.’ Behaviour Research and Therapy 14: 333-8.
Waxer, P. (1976). Nonverbal sues for depth of depression:
Set versus no set. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 44, 493.
Beattie, G. W. (1977). The dynamics of interruption and the
filled pause. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 16, 283-4.
Meltzoff, A. N. & Moore, M. K. (1977). Imitating of
facial and manual gestures by human neonates. Science 198, 75-8.
Streeter, L. A. Kraus, R. M. Geller, V. Olson, C., and
Apple, W. (1977). Pitch changes during attempted deception. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology 35: 345-50.
Waxer, P. (1977). Nonverbal sues for depth of anxiety: An
examination of emotional leakage. Journal of Abnormal psychology, 86, 306-314.
Campbell, A., & Rushton, J. P. (1978). Bodily
communication and personality. British Journal of Social and Clinical
Psychology, 17, 31-36.
Archer, J. (1979). Behavioural aspects of fear. In W.
Sluckin (Ed.), Fear in animals and man (pp. 56-85). New York: Van Nostrand
Buck, R. (1979). Measuring individual differences in the
nonverbal communication of affect. Human Communication Research, 6, 47-57.
Ekman, P., & Oster, H. (1979). Facial expressions of
emotion. Annual Review of Psychology, 30, 527-54.
Frances, S. J. (1979). Sex differences in nonverbal
behaviour. Sex Rules 5: 519-35.
Schauss, A. G. (1979). Tranquilizing effects of color
reduces aggressive behaviour and potential violence. Orthomolecular Psychiatry,
8: 218-21.
Dorner, G. (1980). Prenatal Stress and Possible Aetiogenetic
Factors of Homosexuality in Human Males. Edokrinologie, 75, 365-8.
Forbes, R. J., & Jackson, P. R. (1980). “Non-verbal
Behaviour and the Outcome of Selection Interviews”. Journal & Occupational
Psychology, 53, 65-72.
Hopson, J. (1980). “Growl, Bark, Whine & Hiss:
Deciphering the Common Elements of Animal Language”, Science. Vol. 80.
LaFrance, M., & Carmen, B. (1980). The nonverbal display
of psychological androgyny. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 38,
Wells, G. L. and Petty, R. E. (1980). The Effects of Overt
Head Movements on Persuasion’. Compatibility and Incompatibility of Responses,’
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 1: 219-30.
Ehrhardt, A. A. and Meyer-Bahlburg, H. F. L. (1981). Effects
of Prenatal Sex Hormones on Gender-Related Behaviour. Science Vol. 211
Keating, C. F., Mazur, A., & Segall, M. H. (1981). A
cross-cultural exploration of physiognomic traits of dominance and happiness.
Ethology and Sociobiology, 2, 41-48.
O’Hair, D., Cody, M., & McLauglin, M. (1981). “Prepared
Lies, Spontaneous Lies, Machiavellianism and Nonverbal Communication”. Human
Communication Research, 7, 325-39.
Porter, R. H., & Moore, J. D. (1981). Human kin
recognition by olfactory cues. Physiology and Behaviour, 27, 493-5.
Zuckerman, M., DePaulo, B. M., & Rosenthal, R. (1981).
“Verbal and Nonverbal Communication of Deception”. In L. Berkowitz (ed.),
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, vol. 14. San Diego, CA: Academic
Press, 1-59.
DePaulo, B. M., Lassiter, G. D., & Stone, J. I. (1982).
Attentional determinants of success at detecting deception and truth.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 8, 273-279.
McArthur, L. Z. & Apatow, K. (1983/4). Impressions of
Baby-faced adults. Social Cognition, 2, 315-42.
Grassian, S. (1983). Psychopathological effects of solitary
confinement. American Journal of Psychiatry, 140: 1450-4.
Riskind, J. H. (1984). ‘They stoop to conquer: guiding and
self regulatory functions of physical posture after success and failure’.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 47 (3), 479-93.
Sibley, C. G. and Ahlquist, J. E. (1984). The phylogeny of
the hominoid primates, as indicated by DNA-DNA hybridization. Journal of
Molecular Evolution, 20: 2-15.
Sibley, C. G. and Ahlquist, J. E. (1984). The phylogeny of
the hominoid primates, as indicated by DNA-DNA hybridization. Journal of
Molecular Evolution, 20: 2-15.
Ulrich, R. S. (1984). View through a window may influence
recovery from surgery. Science, 224: 420-1.
Burgoon, J. K., Manusa, V., Mineo, P., & Hale, J. L.
(1985). “Effects of Gaze on Hiring, Credibility, Attraction, and Relational
Message Interpretation”. Journal of Nonverbal Behaviour, 9 (3), 133-46.
Keating, C. F. (1985). ‘Human dominance signals: the primate
in us.’ In S L Ellyson & J F Dovidio (eds.), Power, Dominance, and
Non-verbal Behaviour. New York: Springer Vertag.
Keating, C. F. (1985). Gender and the physiognomy of
dominance and attractiveness. Social Psychology Quarterly, 48, 61-70.
Kimura, D. (1985). ‘Male brain, female brain: The hidden
difference’, Psychology Today, Nov, 51-7.
Perrett, D. I., Smith, P. A., Potter, D. D., Mistlin, A. J.,
Head, A. S., Milner, A. D., and Jeeves, M. A. (1985). Visual cells in the
temporal cortex sensitive to face view and gaze direction. NCBI, PubMed,
indexed for Medline.
Berry, D. S., & McArthur, L. Z. (1986) Perceiving
character in faces: The impact of age-related craniofacial changes on social
perception. Psychological Bulletin, 100, 3-18.
DePaulo, B. M., & Pfiefer, R. L. (1986). On-the-job
experience and skill at detecting deception. Journal of Applied Social Psychology,
16, 249-267.
Keating, C. F., & Bai, D. L. (1986). Children’s
attributions of social dominance from facial cues. Child Development, 57,
Tajfel, H., & Turner, J. C. (1986). The social identity
theory of intergroup behaviour. In S. Worchel & W. G. Austin (Eds.),
Psychology of intergroup relations (pp. 7-24). Chicago, IL: Nelson-Hall.
Beatty, W. W., Truster, A. I. (1987). ‘Gender differences in
geographical knowledge’. Sex Roles, 16, 565-90.
Coker, D. A., & Burgoon, J. K. (1987). “The Nature of
Conversational Involvement and Nonverbal Encoding Patterns”. Human
Communication Research, 13, 463-94.
Diamond, J. (1987). ‘The Worst Mistake in the History of the
Human race.’ Discover 8, no. 5: 64-6.
Fehr, B. J., & Exline, R. V. (1987). Social visual
interaction: A conceptual and literature review. In A. W. Seigman & S.
Feldstein (Eds.). Nonverbal behaviour and communication. (2nd ed., pp 225-325).
Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Harpending, H. and Sobus, J. (1987). Sociopathy as an
Adaptation. Ethology and Sociobiology 8, no 3: 63-72.
Kaitz, M., Good, A., Rokem, A M., Eidelman, A. I. (1987).
Mothers' recognition of their newborns by olfactory cues. Volume 20, Issue 6,
pp 587–591
Kimura, D. (1987). ‘Are Men’s and Women’s brains really
different?’ Canadian Psychology, 28(2), 133-47.
Langlois, J. H. Roggman, L. A., Casey, R. J., Ritter, J. M.,
Rieser-Danner, L. A., & Jenkins, V. Y. (1987). Infant preferences for
attractive faces: Rudiments of a stereotype? Development Psychology, 23,
Richmond, V., McCroskey, J., & Payne, S. (1987).
Nonverbal Behaviour in Interpersonal Relationships. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Akert, R. M., & Panter, A. T. (1988). Extraversion and
the ability to decode nonverbal communication. Personality and Individual
Differences, 9, 965-72.
Fuchs, D., & Thelen, M. H. (1988). Children’s expected
interpersonal consequences of communicating their affective state and reported
likelihood of expression. Child Development, 59, 1314-22.
Hansen, C. H., & Hansen, R. D. (1988). Finding the face
in the crowd: An anger superiority effect. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 54, 917-24.
Strack, F., Martin, L., and Stepper, S. (1988). ‘Inhibiting
and facial conditions of the human smile: a nonobtrusive test of the facial
feedback hypothesis.’ Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54, 768-77.
Barker, D. J., Winter, P. D., Osmond, C., Margetts, B.,
& Simmonds, S. J. (1989). Weight in infancy and death from ischaemic heart
disease. Lancet 866 3: 577-80.
Blanchard, R. J. and Blanchard, D. C. (1989). Antipredator
defence behaviour. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 103, 70-82
Bushnell, I. W., Sai, R. F., & Mullin, J. T. (1989).
Neonatal recognition of the mother’s face. British Journal of Developmental
Psychology, 7, 3-15.
Campos, J. J., Campos, R. G., & Barrett, K. C. (1989).
Emergent themes in the study of emotional development and emotion regulation.
Developmental Psychology, 25, 377-94.
Eisenberg, N., Fabes, R. A., Miller, P. A., Fultz, J.,
Shell, R., Mathy, R. M., and Reno, R. R. (1989). Relation of sympathy and
personal distress to prosocial behaviour: A multimethod study. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 57, 55-66.
Hunt, T. H. (1989). The Multiplicity of Dreams, Memory,
Imagination and Consciousness, 28-30. Yale University Press.
Matsumoto, D., & Ekman, P. (1989). American-Japanese
cultural differences in intensity ratings of facial expressions of emotion.
Motivation and Emotion, 13, 143-57.
Rosenberg, A. A., & Kagan, J. (1989). Physical and
psychological correlates of behavioural inhibition. Developmental
Psychobiology, 22, 753-770.
Schimo, G. and Aureli, F. (1989). ‘Do men yawn more than
women?’ Ethology and Sociology, 10, 375-8.
Langlois, J. H. & Roggman, L. A. (1990). Attractive
faces are only average. Psychological Science 1, 115-21.
Major, B., Schmidlin, A. M., and Williams, L. (1990).
“Gender Patterns in Social Touch: The Impact of Setting and Age”. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 58, 634-43.
Tickle-Degnen, L., & Rosenthal, R. (1990). The nature of
rapport and its nonverbal correlates. Psychological Inquiry, 1, 285-293.
Townsend, J. M. & Levy, G. D. (1990). Effects of
potential partners’ physical attractiveness on sexuality and partner selection.
Journal of Psychology, 124, 371-89.
Townsend, J. M. & Levy, G. D. (1990). Effect of
potential partners’ physical attractiveness and socio-economic status of
sexually and partner selection. Journal of Sexual Behaviour, 19, 149-64.
Gifford, R. (1991). Mapping nonverbal behaviour on the
interpersonal circle. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 61: 279-88.
Goodale. M. A., Milner, A. D., Jakobsen, L. S., & Carey,
D. P. (1991). Perceiving the world and grasping it: A neurological
dissociation. Nature, 349, 154-6.
Kalma, A. (1991). ‘Hierarchisation and dominance assessment
at first glance.’ European Journal of Social Psychology, 21, 165-81.
Kobak, R. R. and Hazan, C. (1991). ‘Attachment in marriage
effects of security and accuracy of working models.’ Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology 60: 861-9.
Langlois, J. H., Ritter, J. M., Roggman, L. A., &
Vaughn, L. S. (1991). Facial Diversity and Infant Preferences for Attractive
Faces. Developmental Psychology, Vol. 27, No. 1, 79-84.
LeVay, S (1991) ‘A difference in hypothalamic structure
between heterosexual and homosexual men.’ Science 253: 1034-7.
Zuckerman, M., Miyake, K., & Hodgins, H. S. (1991).
Cross-channel effects of vocal and physical attractiveness and their
implications for interpersonal perception. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 60, 545-554.
Ambady, N., & Rosenthal, R. (1992). Thin slices of
expressive behaviour as predictors of interpersonal consequences: a
meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 111, No. 2: 431-441.
DePaulo, B. M. (1992). Nonverbal behaviour and
self-presentation. Psychological bulletin, 111, 203-243.
Izuka, Y. (1992). Extraversion, introversion, and visual
interaction. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 74, 43-50.
Kaitz, M. Lapidot, P. Bronner, R. Eidelman, A I (1992)
Parturient Women Can Recognize Their Infants by Touch. Developmental Psychology
Kendon, A. (1992). Some recent work from Italy on quotable
gestures (“emblems”). Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 2, 92-108.
Levenson, R. W. (1992). Automatic nervous system differences
among emotions. Psychological Science, 3, 23-27.
Neisser, U., & Harsch, N. (1992). In Affect and Accuracy
in Recall: Studies of “Flashbulb” Memories, edited by E. Winograd and U.
Neisser. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Trammsdorff, G., & John, H. (1992). Decoding affective
communication in intimate relationships. European Journal of Social Psychology,
22, 41-54.
Ambady, N., & Rosenthal, R. (1993). Half a minute:
Predicting teacher evaluations from the thin slices of nonverbal behaviour and
physical attractiveness,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 64, No.
3: 256-274.
Halberstadt, A. & Green, L. R. (1993). ‘Social attention
and placation theories of blushing.’ Motivation and Emotion, 17 (1), 53-64.
Montepare, J. M., & Zebrowitz, L. A. (1993). A
cross-cultural comparison of impressions created by age related variations in
gait. Journal of Nonverbal Behaviour, 17, 55-68.
Murphy, S. T. and Zajonc, R. B. (1993). ‘Affect, cognition,
and awareness: affective priming with optimal and suboptimal stimulus
exposures.’ Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64, 723-39.
Stepper, S., & Strack, F. (1993). Proprioceptive
determinants of emotional and nonemotional feelings. Journal of Personality and
Social. Psychology, 64, 211–220.
Thornhill, R., and Gangestad, S. W. (1993). Human facial
beauty: averageness, symmetry, and parasite resistance. Human Nature, 4,
Ambady, N., & Rosenthal, R. (1993). Half a minute:
Predicting teacher evaluations from thin slices of nonverbal behaviour and
physical attractiveness. Journal of personality and Social Psychology, 64,
Ekman, P. (1993). Facial Expression and emotion, American
Psychologist, 48, 376-379.
Matsumoto, D. (1993). Ethnic differences in affect intensity,
emotion judgment, display rule attitides, and self-reported emotional
expression in an American sample. Motivation and Emotion, 17, 107-123.
Motley, M. (1993). Facial affect and verbal context in
conversation: Facial expression as interjection. Human Communication Research,
20, 3-40.
Stepper, S. and Strack, F. (1993). Proprioceptive
determinants of emotional and nonemotional feelings. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 64, 211-220.
Gifford, R. (1994). A lens-mapping framework for
understanding the encoding and decoding of interpersonal dispositions in
nonverbal behaviour. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66, 398-412.
Marks, I. M. and Nesse, R. M. (1994). ‘Fear and fitness: an
evolutionary analysis of anxiety disorders.’ Ethology and Sociobiology, 15,
Borkenau, P., & Liebler, A. (1995). Observable
attributes as manifestations and cues of personality and intelligence. Journal
of Personality, 63, 1-25.
Boyson, S. T., & Berntson, G. G. (1995). Responses to
quantity: perceptual versus cognitive mechanisms in chimpanzees (Pan
troglodytes). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behaviour and
Processes, 21: 82-86.
Keltner, D. (1995). Signs of appeasement: Evidence for the
distinct displays of embarrassment, amusement, and shame. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 441-454.
Singh, D., & Young, R. K. (1995). Body weight,
waist-to-hip ratio on judgement of women’s attractiveness. Human Nature, 6,
Carroll, J. M., & Russell, J. A. (1996) Do facial
expressions signal specific emotions? Judging emotion from the face in context.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 205-218.
DeVries, A. C., DeVries, M. B., Taymans, S. E. and Carter,
C. S. (1996). “The effects of stress on social preferences are sexually
dimorphic in prairie voles.” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93 (21): 11980-84
Kimura, D. (1996). Sex, sexual orientation and sex hormones
influence human cognitive function. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 6,
McIntosh, D. N. (1996). ‘Facial feedback hypothesis:
evidence, implications, and directions.’ Motivation and Emotion, 20, 121-47.
Dabbs, J. M. Jnr. (1997). Testosterone, smiling, and facial
appearance. Journal of Nonverbal Behaviour, 21, 45-55.
Iverson, J. M. and Golidin-Meadow, S. (1997). What’s
communication got to do with it? Gesture in children blind from birth.
Developmental Psychology 33: 453-67.
Kobayashi, H., & Kohshima, S. (1997). Unique morphology
of the human eye. Nature, 387, 766-8.
Stone, J. Perry, Z. W., and Darley, J. M. (1997). ‘White men
can’t jump’: Evidence for the perceptual confirmation of racial stereotypes
following a basketball game. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 19, 29/-306.
Vrij, A., Akehurst, L., & Morris, P. (1997). “Individual
Differences in Hand Movements During Deception.” Journal of Nonverbal
Behaviour, Vol. 21, no. 2.
Grammer, K., Kruck, K. B., & Magnesson, M. S. (1998).
The courtship dance: Patterns of nonverbal synchronization in opposite-sex
encounters. Journal of Nonverbal Behaviour, 22, 3-29.
Iverson, J. M., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (1998). Why people
gesture when they speak. Nature, 396, 228.
Lippa, R. (1998). The nonverbal display and judgement of
extraversion, masculinity, femininity, and gender diagnosticity: A lens model
analysis. Journal of Research in Personality, 32, 80-107.
Morman, M. T. and Floyd, K. (1998). Sex Roles: ‘Overt
Expression of Affection in Male-male Interaction’. Journal of Research 38
(9/10): 871 (11).
Rizzolatti, G .and Arabib, M. A. (1998). Language within our
group. Trends in Neurosciences 21: 188-94.
Ambady, N., Hallahan, M., & Conner, B. (1999). Accuracy
of judgements of sexual orientation from thin slices of behaviour. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 77, 538-47.
Anderson, D. E., DePaulo, B. M., Ansfield, M. E., Tickle, J.
J., & Green, E. (1999). Beliefs about cues to deception: Mindless
stereotypes or untapped wisdom? Journal of Nonverbal Behaviour, 23, 67-89.
Burgoon, J. K., & Le Poire, B. A. (1999). Nonverbal cues
and interpersonal judgments: Participant and observer perceptions of intimacy,
dominance, composure, and formality. Communication Monographs, 66, 105-124.
De Jong, P. T. (1999). ‘Communicative and remedial effects
of social blushing’. Journal of Nonverbal Behaviour, 23 (3), 197-217.
Gauthier, I. Tarr, M. J. Anderson, A. W. Skudlarski, P. and
Gore, J. C. (1999). “Activation of the Middle Fusiform ‘Face Area’ Increases
with Expertise in Recognising Novel Objects,” Nature Neuroscience 2: 568-73.
Haviland-Jones, J., & McGuire, D. (1999). The scents of
fear and funny. Aroma-Chology Review, 8, 11.
Lacoboni, M., Woods, R. P., Brass, M., Beckkering, H.,
Mazziotta, J. C. & Rizzolatti, G. (1999). Cortical mechanisms of human
imitation. Science 286: 252, 6-8.
Matsumoto, D., Kasri, F., & Kooken, K. (1999).
American-Japanese culture differences in judgments of expression intensity and
subjective experience. Cognition and Emotion, 13, 201-218.
Wrangham, R. W., Jones, J. H., Laden, G., Pilbeam, D., and
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