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Bella M. DePaulo

Bella M. DePaulo b. 1954

Professor Bella DePaulo is an expert on the psychology of lying and detecting lies. Spanning more than three decades, DePaulo’s studies and research on deception have resulted in dozens of published papers and chapters and several books. With so-called professional “lie detectors” (police, customs officials…) being no more accurate at detecting deception than laypersons, DePaulo helps us understand why we are so bad at detecting deception (and so good at lying, showing what science has to say about deception; people’s beliefs and stereotypes, sex differences, big liars and everyday lies. Her work on the visual channels involved is an important contribution to the field, as is her writing on our unconscious gut-level detection. In more recent years DePaulo has turned her attention to single life and how we live now.

Read The Psychology of Lying and Detecting Lies (2018) Amazon Digital Services LLC