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Ethology: The biology of behaviour

Ethology: The biology of behaviour

by Irenaus Eibl-Eibesfeldt

First published 1975
Holt, Rinehart and Weston
A text on human ethology, the work offers a biological point of view for discussion and includes data from the author's cross-cultural work and research from the staff of his institute. It confirms, above all else, the astonishing unity of mankind and paints a picture of how we are moved by the same passions, jealousies, friendliness, and active curiosity. There are chapters on A Short History of Ethology, The Ethogram: A Behavioural Inventory, The Fixed Action Pattern, Motivating Factors, Behaviour as a Response to a Stimulus, Releasers, Natural Models and Mimicry, Reaction Chains, The Hierarchical Organization of Behaviour, Phylogenetic Development of Behaviour Patterns, The Ontogeny of Behaviour Patterns, Mechanisms of Learning, Ecology and Behaviour, Orientation in Space, and Temporal Factors in Behaviour. A valuable book on social behaviour and communication.