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Peter Collett

Peter Collett b. 1945

Dr Peter Collett is a psychologist was a member of staff at the Department of Experimental Psychology at Oxford University, where he taught and did research. Collett was one of the authors behind the book Gestures: Their Origins and Distribution, which not only looked at gestures in details, but studies their cultural differences. Building on this collection, Collett wrote his own book on tells, those actions that can provide insight into what someone is thinking, even if that person doesn’t know it themselves. A widely acknowledged expert on body language, he often writes articles or produces videos which attend to famous people’s state of minds, deciphered from their actions. In the style of Desmond Morris, whom he has worked with, Collett not only shows how tells work but attempts to explain their origin. His website is well worth a visit. 

Read The Book of Tells: How To Read People’s Minds From Their Actions (2003) Bantam
Also by Peter Collett:
Foreign Bodies (1993)
Gestures (1979)
How To Tell What People Are Thinking (2017)
Watch Peter's TEDx Talk on YouTube: